Monday, 6 February 2012

Sleeping through the alarm

Today I managed to sleep through my alarm. Woke up at 9.35am, then quickly realised I had to leave the house to be at Uni by 10am - thus I had to get ready in a mere 10 minutes, forgoing my usual routine of breakfast - shower - clean teeth - make-up - dress - pack bag, and only doing the latter three (and very hastily, might I add).

Consequently, this meant I only had the time to add a quick splodge of tinted moisturiser to my face and a little bit of eyebrow pencilling. Needless to say, I felt awful all day. Not only was my mood terrible, but I know I wasn't feeling particularly comfortable with how I looked, which made things 10x worse.

I haven't gone to uni without any eye make-up whatsoever in a long time. Although I often just apply mascara, even with this I usually feel a lot better about my appearance. Without it (i.e. today), my eyes felt incredibly bleary and heavy (maybe this was down to a bad night's sleep, too) and it definitely made me feel more conscious about how I looked to others around me.

Strangely enough, I tend to focus more on the amount and type of make-up worn by other women around me more so when I have a completely bare face. Today, for example, it was really evident that the majority of my class were wearing a lot of make-up - foundation and eye-make-up in particular. I think perhaps it was because at the back of my mind I was so overly concerned with how I looked that I was subconsciously (and then consciously, once I realised what I was doing!) 'comparing' myself (or my 'percieved' self) with the people surrounding me.

So, I've experienced my first day without make-up at Uni and the overall verdict is that I hope I'll never sleep through my alarm again!

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